Vote for Student Loan Forgiveness on

2 01 2009 will soon begin the final round of voting on, “Ideas for change in America.” The final round opens on January 5th and on January 16th will host an event in Washington, DC to announce the top ten ideas and then begin an advocacy campaign for the winners.

So have you voted for your favorites? While many of the ideas are great and much needed, I have to give a shot out for Student Loan Forgiveness. As a budding entrepreneur, one who wants to create jobs and stimulate the economy, I can’t, because I just graduated and have to start thinking about loan repayment. I know I’m not alone out there either.

USAToday ran a story about student debt back in June 2006 that pretty much sums up how I feel as well:

“Palazzolo, 25, graduated on Mother’s Day from Rutgers University with a master’s degree in public policy and student loans exceeding $116,000. His payments will average about $800 a month. It could have been worse: Because of his top grades, Rutgers paid Palazzolo’s tuition for his final year of graduate school.

At a time when his friends are thinking about buying their first homes, he’s looking for roommates to share a three-bedroom house so he can limit his rent to $600 a month. “I feel like I’ve done everything I was supposed to do, and at the end of the day, I’ve got this huge debt,” Palazzolo says. “What did I do wrong?””

If you sympathize with me at all, then please go vote on Jan. 5th and check out the Facebook group.